These are the lesson files to show how to create Corten, Weathering Steel with 3DS Max and V-Ray, this is the lesson found here:
These are the files for the corten wall scene, these are not the scene files for the house.
I go over some advanced tips when creating materials and I'm showing when you add layers to materials it's usually to add in extra layers of grunge or detail to the render. I cover several ways to do this.
The tree in the scene which I use for shadows is not in these scene files, it is sepately downloadable here:
The HDRI is in the scene and was created for Flying Architecture by CGBalrog and is downloadable here:
Flying Architecture also has some other great free resources on their site.
Lesson Files - Leon 51 - How to create Rust, Corten, Weathering Steel
I've uploaded these files in 3DS Max 2018, 2015 and FBX. I use V-Ray 3.6